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News Releases 2004

*December 31, 2004 - Solid Waste Resource collection Notice for January 3, 2005

*December 31, 2004 - Condolences on the loss of John Chataway, MLA for the Chester - St. Margaret's Bay Area

*December 30, 2004 - BT New Year's Eve Celebration Provides Opportunity to aid Victims of Tsunami Disaster in Southeast Asia

*December 30, 2004 - Temporary No Parking for Snow Removal Tonight

*December 29, 2004 - Sidewalk Snow and Ice Removal in the Former City of Halifax

*December 29, 2004 - Temporary No Parking for Snow Removal Tonight

*December 29, 2004 - Winter Parking Ban for Urban Core to be Implemented

*December 28, 2004 - Snow Clearing Operations

*December 27, 2004 - Waste Collection Delayed

*December 27, 2004 - Transit Service to Remain Off The Road Until Tuesday A.M.

*December 21, 2004 - Green Municipal Funds to Disburse $20 Million for the Halifax Harbour Solutions Project

*December 17, 2004 - Approval of Pre-Clearance Facility - Halifax International Airport

*December 17, 2004 - Street Closure - Lower Water Street

*December 16, 2004 - Lower Proposed Power Rate Hike Encouraging, But HRM Still Has Concerns

*December 16, 2004 - Harbour Solutions Project - Pipe Bridge Placement

*December 13, 2004 - Overnight Winter Parking Ban

*December 13, 2004 - Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency Issues Christmas Tree Tags to HRM Tree Lots

*December 13, 2004 - Park to be Named After Joe Howe

*December 13, 2004 - HRM Volunteers to be Honoured

*December 9, 2004 - New HRM Calendar to Reduce Paper-Use, Paper-Flow to Residents

*December 8, 2004 - Road Construction - Lower Water Street - Harbour Project

*December 8, 2004 - Council Approves Plan for Major Downtown Infrastructure Upgrade

*December 8, 2004 - Overnight Winter Parking Ban

*December 7, 2004 - Major Shoreline Repairs Underway at Point Pleasant Park

*December 3, 2004 - Recreation Registration

*December 3, 2004 - Statement by Councillor Steve Streatch District 1 (Eastern Shore/Musquodoboit Valley)

*December 3, 2004 - Road Closure - Lower Water Street - Harbour Project

*December 3, 2004 - See What HRM Could Look Like in 25 Years - Regional Plan

*December 3, 2004 - Councillor Takes Steps to Protect Shubie Park, Adjacent Lands

*December 2, 2004 - Halifax Explosion Bells to be Re-dedicated

*November 30, 2004 - President Bush's Visit

*November 30, 2004 - HRM Signs Biosolids Contract

*November 26, 2004 - Halifax Regional Council to Tour Western Region

*November 26, 2004 - Road Construction - Lower Water Street - Harbour Project

*November 23, 2004 - Donation Contributes to completed Expansion of Gray Arena in Dartmouth

*November 22, 2004 - Donation will Provide for Expansion to Gray Arena in Dartmouth

*November 19, 2004 - Citizens urged to Consider Serving on HRM Committees

*November 19, 2004 - Road Closure of Lower Water Street - Harbour Solutions Project

*November 19, 2004 - Open Houses - New Highfield Park Fire Station

*November 18, 2004 - Metro Transit Service Prepared for Holiday Parade of Lights

*November 18, 2004 - Wright Avenue Extension Across Burnside Drive

*November 17, 2004 -HRM In Line with Quality of Life Findings

*November 17, 2004 - CAO McLellan to Speak at Conference on Immigration

*November 17, 2004 - HRM Presentation to N.S. Utility & Review Board as Intervener (N.S. Power)

*November 16, 2004 - Councillor Trying to Contact Residents Displaced by Fire (33 Hastings Street, Dartmouth)

*November 16, 2004 - HRM Seeking Injunction Against Waste Hauler

*November 16, 2004 - HRM to Proceed with Expropriation of Former Irving Lands

*November 16, 2004 - Halifax REgional Fire & Emergency Encourages Residents to think "Safety" during Power Outages

*November 16, 2004 - Temporary Comfort Centre Opened in Tantallon Area

*November 15, 2004 - HRM Services Restored to Normal Levels

*November 15, 2004 - Temporary Comfort Centre Opened in Lakeside

*November 15, 2004 - Three Day Road Closure

*November 15, 2004 - Mayor Calls for Independent Audit of Nova Scotia Power

*November 14, 2004 - Snow Storm Update #3

*November 14, 2004 - Snow Storm Update #2

* November 14, 2004 - Snow Storm Update #1

*November 13, 2004 - Snow Storm Update

*November 15, 2004 - HRM Storm Update

*November 9, 2004 - Road Construction on Barrington Street from Green Street - Halifax Harbour Project

*November 8, 2004 - No Waste Collection on Remembrance Day

*November 5, 2004 - Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency Introduces New Fire Safety Program at Colonel John Stuart Elementary, Cole Harbour

*November 5, 2004 - Mayor Kelly Named to Several Big City Mayors' Caucus Sub-Committees

*November 4, 2004 - Mayor Kelly to Bring Atlantic Views to Big City Mayors' Caucus

*November 2, 2004 - Judicial Recount Confirms Rankin Winner in District 22

*November 1, 2004 - Ramp Off Bi-Hi to be Temporarily Closed to Traffic

*October 30, 2004 - Atlantic Mayors Focus on New Revenues, Housing, Immigration

*October 29, 2004 - Atlantic Mayors' Congress - October 29 & 30, 2004

*October 29, 2004 - Open Air Burning By-law 0-103

*October 29, 2004 - Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency Encourages Residents to Change Smoke Alarm Batteries Along with Clocks

*October 29, 2004 - Swearing In Ceremony

*October 28, 2004 - Atlantic Mayors' Congress 2004

*October 28, 2004 - Federal Ministers to Tour Harbour Solutions Project Work Site

*October 27, 2004 - Meeting to Discuss New Recreation Centre (Mainland Common)

*October 27, 2004 - Rooming Houses

*October 22, 2004 - Closure of Morris Street, October 25, 2004

*October 22, 2004 - HRM Employees to Make Over Community Centre - Ward 5

*October 18, 2004 - Halloween 2004

*October 15, 2004 - Voter Turnout Heavy, Steady at Polls

*October 15, 2004 - Election Results Available Online

*October 15, 2004 - Part of Lower Water Street Closed due to Emergency Sewer Repairs

*October 14, 2004 - Household Hazardous Waste Mobile Depot

*October 14, 2004 - Clarification - Ad in the Community Newspaper "The Laker"

*October 13, 2004 - Voters Advised to Expect Long Delays at Polls

*October 13, 2004 - Jason MacCullough Park to be Dedicated Tonight

*October 12, 2004 - HRM to Enter Into Agreements on Biosolids Contract

*October 12, 2004 - Entire Metro Transit Bus Fleet to adopt use of Biodiesel Fuel

* October 12, 2004 - Turnout for Shopping Plebiscite Causes Delays at Advance Poll

*  October 8, 2004 - Grand Opening Ceremony - New Highfield Park Fire Station

*  October 8, 2004 - Harbour Solutions Road Work, Downtown Halifax

* October 7, 2004 - Act Enables as Many as Possible to Vote

* October 7, 2004 - Kristopher Knowles Cross-Canada Walking Tour

* October 7, 2004 - Councillor Thanks Fire, Police, Other Agencies

*October 5, 2004 - Sunday Shopping Inquiries Should be Directed to Province

*October 4, 2004 - It's Fire Prevention Week

*October 1, 2004 - Point Pleasant Park Recovery Planning Process Begins

*October 1, 2004 - Voters Notifications Information

*October 1, 2004 - Road closure at the intersection of Barrington and Inglish Streets (Harbour Project)

*September 29, 2004 - Fire Chief for Dominion Fire Commissioner (Chief Eddy)

*September 29, 2004 - Community Council Wants Tree Issue Clarified

*September 29, 2004 - HRM, Sheet Harbour Chamber Partner on Centre (MacPhee House)

*September 24, 2004 - Herring Cove Road Streetscape Project Looks Towards the Future

*September 24, 2004 - Roaming Bear Causing Concern in Lake Echo/Porter's Lake

*September 24, 2004 - Road Construction - Harbour Solutions Project

*September 24, 2004 - Prospect Road Volunteer Fire Fighter Recruitment Drive - September 25th from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

*September 24, 2004 - Fire Station #12, 560 Windmill Road - Offically closes

*September 22, 2004 - Weekly Green Cart Collection Ended

*September 22, 2004 - HRM A Five-Bloom Winner - Communities In Bloom

*September 22, 2004 - Voter Notification

*September 22, 2004 - Arborists Gather for Annual Climbing Competition

*September 21, 2004 - New North Preston Centre to be Offically Opened

*September 18, 2004 - Hub Cities Mayors' Summit

*September 17, 2004 - HRM's Downtown is One of the Healthest

*September 17, 2004 - Sewer Replacement on Hammonds Plains Road

*September 17, 2004 - HRM Launches Workplace Diversity Week Program

*September 17, 2004 - Many HRM Sources for Municipal Election Information

*September 16, 2004 - Mayor Kelly to Attend Hub Cities Conference

* September 16, 2004 - Bedford Offering Two Routes for Terry Fox Run

* September 15, 2004 - Residents, Businesses Urged to Help Achieve 60% Mark

* September 14, 2004 - Mayor Kelly, MP Bill casey discuss Sludge Issue

* September 13, 2004 - HRM to Challenge Residents, Business (Solid Waste)

* September 13, 2004 - Park to be Named After Fallen Soldier

* September 10, 2004 - Silo Unloading Continuing Over the Weekend

* September 8, 2004 - Fire Chiefs Salute Canada's Firefighters

* September 9, 2004 - Crichton Avenue to be Temporarily Closed to Traffic

* September 8, 2004 - Needham Tower Bells to be Removed

* September 8, 2004 - Clarification: Candidates Reminded About Placement of Signs

* September 8, 2004 - Candidates Reminded About Placement of Signs

* September 8, 2004 - Public Information Meeting Cancelled

* September 7, 2004 - Grain Elevator Silo Unloading Continues

* September 2, 2004 - Fire Officials to Monitor Site Unloading

* September 2, 2004 - Weekly Summer Green Cart Collection Ending

* September 1, 2004 - Province to Present Plans for Roundabouts

* August 31, 2004 - Council Encourages Mooseheads, Metro Centre to Resume Talks

* August 30, 2004 - Supervised Beach Program Ends Today

* August 27, 2004 - Councillors Establish Local Area Advisory Committee

* August 27, 2004 - Bridge Repairs Necessitate Lane Closures (Bedford Bypass)

* August 27, 2004 - Fort Needham Bells

* August 26, 2004 - Candidate Advised He is in Violation of Municipal Election Act (Mike Fleming)

* August 25, 2004 - Street Improvements, Sidewalk Projects Underway in District 22

* August 25, 2004 - Renovated Pavilion All Ages Music Venue to Offically Re-Open

* August 24, 2004 - Local Olympian Paddler in Semi-Finals Tonight August 24th

* August 24, 2004 - Statement by Jan Gibson, HRM Municipal Clerk and Returning Officer, Regarding HRM Employees Offering as Candidates in Municipal Elections

* August 23, 2004 - Grand Opening Ceremony - New Beaver Bank Kinsac Fire Station

* August 20, 2004 - Councillor and Residents Concerned about Highway Maintenance

* August 20, 2004 - SummerFest Brings Community Together

* August 20, 2004 - Work Crews Act Quickly - Sewer Surcharge

* August 20, 2004 - Mayor Says Gottingen Street "Mislabled"

* August 20, 2004 - Notice of Construction - Lower Water Street - Harbour Project

* August 17, 2004 - Uteck Says 30,000 Students Could Face Telephone, Internet Problems

* August 16, 2004 - Mayor Kelly Highlights $100,000 Design Competition

* August 16, 2004 - HRM to Mail Out Final 2004/2005 Tax Bills

* August 13, 2004 - Harbour, Park Provide Backdrop for GM Canada's Cross-Canada Trek

* August 12, 2004 - Cunard Beach Closed to Swimmers

* August 11, 2004 - First Lake Beach Closed to Swimmers

* August 6, 2004 - Repairs Force Lane Closures on Fairview Overpass

* August 5, 2004 - Communities in Bloom National Judge ... on a Bicycle

* July 30, 2004 - Fire Fighter Combat Challenge comes to Dartmouth "Toughest Two minutes in Sports"

* July 30, 2004 - More Ferry & Bus Service to Woodside during Tall Ships

* July 29, 2004 - Parking Access, Information Available for Weekend Events

* July 29, 2004 - Metro Transit to provide extended service during Tall Ships & Natal Day festivities

* July 23, 2004 - Community Organizes Send-Off for Olympian Paddlers

* July 22, 2004 - HRM, Unions Sign-Off on New Collective Agreements

* July 21, 2004 - Hemlock Ravine Park Re-Opens to Public on Friday, July 23, 2004

* July 19, 2004 - Largest Exhibition of Acadian Art Makes Stop in Halifax

* July 19, 2004 - HRM Roundtable Results in Formation of Energy-Environment Steering Committee

* July 16, 2004 - HRM to Host Roundtable on Energy and the Environment

* July 16, 2004 - Notice of Road Construction - Inglis Street

* July 15, 2004 - Hurrican Juan Debris - Changes to Open Air Burning By-law

* July 15, 2004 - HRM Announces Grants to Volunteer Sector

* July 15, 2004 - Weekly Green Cart Collection Program Expanded (Eastern Passage/Cow Bay & Herring Cove/Sambro Loop)

* July 14, 2004 - Porto Bello Road Culvert Replacement

* July 13, 2004 - 11 African-Canadian Fire Fighters Hired by Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency

* July 14, 2004 - Free Car Child Seat Safety Check Sponsored by Volkswagon & Audi and Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency

* July 13, 2004 - HRM Ratifies Deal with ATU

* July 13, 2004 - First Report to Council on HRM Scorecard

* July 13, 2004 - Audited Statements Confirm Year-End Surplus

* July 13, 2004 - HRM Strategy To enhance Short Term Parking in Downtowns

* July 9, 2004 - Premier Sports Facility Moving Ahead in Albro Lake - Harbourview District 9

* July 9, 2004 - Councillor Adams Says Police Presence Strong in Spryfield

* July 9, 2004 - Halifax - Hakodate Visit 2004

* July 9, 2004 - Councillor Sloane Responds to Inquiries regarding Affordable Housing

* July 9, 2004 - Notice of Street Closure - Harbour Project

* July 6, 2004 - HRM and IAFF Bargaining Unit Ratify Agreement

* July 5, 2004 - Celebrity Roast to raise money for AIDS Coalition Emergency Relief Fund

* June 30, 2004 - Sobey's Atlantic Presents Cheque Toward Restoration of the Public Gardens

* June 30, 2004 - HRM to Appeal Award of Legal Fees (Kirk Johnson)

* June 29, 2004 - Major Donor Contributes Funds Toward Public Gardens Restoration

* June 29, 2004 - Grand Opening Ceremony - Lifestyle Home 2004 Featuring Residential Fire Sprinkler System

* June 28, 2004 - Public Gardens Media Preview

* June 28, 2004 - Public Gardens to Re-Open on Thursday

* June 25, 2004 - Local Firefighter "Hangs Out" for Muscular Dystrophy Canada (Steve Hollis)

* June 28, 2004 - Canada Day Waste Collection

* June 25, 2004 - Local Firefighter "Hangs Out" for Muscular Dystrophy Canada (Steve Hollis)

* June 25, 2004 - HRM's Newest Park Officially Opened (Sandy Lake Park)

* June 24, 2004 - Bedford Days Fireworks Display Cancelled til Friday, June 25th.

* June 22, 2004 - HRM's Newest Park to Open This Week (Sandy Lake Park)

* June 21, 2004 - HRM Secures Green Municipal Funds, New Capacity for Environmental Projects

* June 21, 2004 - Talks Continuing on Proposed Memorial to Africville

* June 18, 2004 - Point Pleasant Renewal Gets Boost from Southwest Properties

* June 16, 2004 - Public Gardens Main Entrance to get New Look

* June 16, 2004 - Community Group to be Asked to Vote on Integration Fund

* June 15, 2004 - Sewage Treatment Plant Contract Signed

* June 14, 2004 - Councillor Concerned About School Safety on Election Day

* June 10, 2004 - Notice of Road Construction - Barrington/Greens Streets - Harbour Solutions Sewage Collection System

* June 10, 2004 - Mayor Kelly Addresses National Forum on Municipal Funding Needs

* June 7, 2004 - HRM to Observe Taxi and Limousine Appreciation Day

* June 3, 2004 - HRM Residents Forced to Pay Additional Education Costs

* June 3, 2004 - June is Recreation Month

* Former Residents Still Waiting for Insurance Money (Gottingen Street Fire 2003)

* Lieutenant-Governor to Attend Park Re-opening

* Mayor Launches Shopping Centre Fund-Raiser for Point Pleasant Park

* Major Restoration Work Underway at Public Gardens

* Variety of Items Offered at HRM Auction

* Bike Week 2004

* Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency Celebrates 250 Years of Organized Fire Fighting at a Kick Off Event on Monday, May 31st at Grand Parade

* Local Shopping Centre to Raise Funds for Park

* HRM to Commemorate Joseph Howe's Birthday

* Mayor Kelly to Press for Support from Federal Candidates

* Candidates Advised About Campaign Signs

* Councillor Asks for Public's Assistance in return of Cenotaph Plaque

* Mayor, Councillor Thank Federal, Provincial Governments

* Point Pleasant Park Opening - June 4, 2004

* Councillor Thankful for Herring Cove Project Funding

* Alderney Ferry Service to be Reduced & Woodside Service Increased during required maintenance program

* Transit Service Adjustments due to Marathon

* Changes to Open Air Burning By-law #0-103

* Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency Celebrates 250 Years of Organized Fire Fighting at a Kick Off Event on Monday, May 31 at Grand Parade

* Local Heroes to be Honored

* New Fields Complement Wright Avenue Extension

* HRM Solid Waste Resources - Victoria Day Composting, Recycling and Refuse Facility Hours

* New Connector Paves Way for Economic Development (Woodside)

* Councillor Welcomes New Artificial Field Funding

* HRM welcomes $17.5 million worth of infrastructure projects

* Mayor and Minister Regan to Meet this morning, May 20th

* Apartment Project Decision Appealed to URB

* Street Tree Replacement Begins

* HRM, ATU to begin Conciliation Talks

* Acadian Writers to be Honoured

* HRM to Oppose Refineries Act

* HRM, CBRM to Oppose Bill #40

* Councillor Says Safety Paramount in Park Clean-Up

* Burnside Expanding, Wright Avenue Being Extended

* Point Pleasant Park Re-Opens June 4

* Official Order Signed for New District Boundaries

* Public Works Week Bicycle Rodeo

* Police Chief Invested into Order of Merit

* Central Halifax Public Information Meeting re Sewage Treatment Plant

* Municipal Equipment Display at Mic Mac Mall

* Notice to Residents of North Preston re Sewage Overflow

* Work to Begin on Hemlock Ravine Park Cleanup

* Information Meeting to Discuss Tree Hazard Remediation (Hemlock Ravine)

* Kelly Says Legislation Unfair to HRM (Assessment)

* HRM Welcomes Decision to Host International Championships (Worlds Mens Hockey)

* Five Developers Bid on Former TexPark Garage Site

* Ballots Must Be in By Friday Deadline (Community Recreation Centre - District 2)

* Mayor, Ministers To View New HazMat Equipment

* Halifax Regional Municipality Announces the Recipients of the First Annual Capital District Urban Design Awards

*Arson - North Dartmouth

*District 2 Residents Urged to Return Ballots

*HRM Hopeful Federal, Provincial Governments Join in Offer

*Mayor Kelly Says HRM Paying Too Much in Education Costs

*HRM Breaks Off talks with Province (Capital District Transportation Authority

*Kelly Says Assessment Should Not Be Used as Economic Tool

*Changes to Open Air Burning By-law #103

*Mayor, Councillors to Raise Funds for Marguerite Centre

*New CAD/RMS System Will Enhance Public Safety in HRM

*HRM Launches New Innovative Service Delivery (Segway HT - Human Transporter)

*Notice of Road Construction-Harbour Solutions Sewage Collection System

*Curbside Solid Waste Collection

*Mayor to Present Prizes to Contest Winners

*Mayor Peter Kelly Presents First Annual Urban Design Awards

*Mayor Kelly to Launch HRM's New Segway HT (Human Transporter)

*Tree-Planting Ceremony to Mark Earth Day

*Citizens Commission Presents Compensation Report to Council

*Mayor to Present Certificates on Behalf of Governor-General

*HRM Disputes Canadian Press Report Regarding Disaster Relief Funding

*Lower Water Street Temporarily closed to Traffic

*HRM, Clean Nova Scotia Launch Joint Clean-Up Campaign

*Lower Water Street Temporarily Re-Opened to Traffic

*Dog Defecation

*Capital District Urban Design Awards Ceremony

*FCM to release 2004 Quality of Life Report, April 14, 2004

*Notes for an Address by George McLellan, Chief Administrative Officer - 2004/2005 Proposed Budget

*2004/05 Proposed Operating and Capital Budget

*Notice of Road Construction (Harbour Project)

*Residents Advised of Alleged Fund-Raising Scam

*Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency Encourages Residents to Change Smoke Alarm Batteries Along with Clocks

*Media Briefing - Budget 2004/2005

*Gateway Community Safety Net Donates $5,000 to Fire Prevention Division

*HRM Not Invited to Africville News Conference

*Green Municipal Funds Invests $275,000 in Halifax Regional Municipality's Healthy Sustainable Community Study & Climate-SMART

*Atlantic Mayors Congress Calls for Stronger Partnership with Provincial and Federal Governments

*Students Donate Funds to HRm for Hemlock Ravine Park Retoration

*Notice of Street Closure (Harbour Project)

*Environmental Funding to be Announced

*Traffic and Parking Arrangements for Point Pleasant Park Opening

*Councillors to Help Raise Funds for Orphaned Children

*HRM, Transit Union to Ask Province for Conciliator

*Mayor Kelly to Press for New Revenues

*Federal Budget Encouraging for Municipalities

*Public Invited to View Point Pleasant Park Clean-Up

*Federal Budget -- HRM Comment

*Blasting Notice, Harbour Project - Sewage Collection System

*HRM Investigation Concludes No Cross-Connection at Hail's Pond

*HRM By-Law Penalties Not Increased

*Working Together To Improve Wastewater Treatment and Halifax Harbour Water Quality

*Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency Core Area Volunteer Firefighter Recruitment Drive Applications Close April 13, 2004

*Major Announcement on the Halifax Harbour Project

*Mayor Kelly, Irish Dedicate New Downtown Square

*No Application for Disposal of Bio-Medical Waste

*Mayor Kelly to Dedicate St. Patrick's Square

*Error by Province Forces Rewrite of HRM budget

*HRM Council Endorses Natural Gas Tax Proposal to speed Distribution

*Sloane Calls on Province to Demolish Former Infirmary Building

*RecConnect Goes Live

*HRM to Issue Tender Call for Sale of Former TexPark Lands

*YWCA of Halifax Study: Women Still Under-represented in Politics

*Regional Council Approves Phase 2 of Harbour Solutions Project

*YWCA of Halifax to Present Research Results and Workshop on Women in Municipal Politics

*HRM to Offer New E-service for Recreation Programs, Courses

*Flag-Raising to Mark Acadian Anniversary

*Diesel Leak Finds Its Way Into Sewer System

*Lake Banook Information Meeting - March 3, 2004

*Residents Urged to Clear Catch Basins

*Public Meeting on Moratorium Re-scheduled - March 1, 2004

*Safe Communities Coalition Offers Tips on How to Keep Safe when Sledding and tobogganing

*Special Park Opening Postponed (Point Pleasant Park)

*HRM Tax Sale Re-Scheduled

*Public Meeting on Moratorium Re-scheduled

*Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency Concerned with Situation at Old Halifax Infirmary Building

*Mayor Kelly to Attend Big City Mayors Caucus

*Lake Banook Information Meeting Cancelled

*Venue for Public Information Meeting Changed (Regional Plan)

*Committee Proposes Establishment of Point Pleasant Park Foundation

*African-Canadian Cadets Attend Fire Fighter's School

*HRM to Celebrate Heritage Day

*Steady Progress in Point Pleasant Park Clean Up

*HRM Releases a Major Report on Homelessness

*Tour of Clean Up Work in Point Pleasant Park

*Nova Scotia Recycles Contest Winners to be Honoured

*Community Council Will Not Discuss Proposed Moratorium (Lake Banook)

*Proposed Capital Transportation Authority for HRM

*HRM Releases a Major Report on Homelessness

*132 Old Sambro Road Fire Investigation Complete

*"Dream it Do it" Your Visions for Central Halifax

*HRM Staff Building Lot Figures Correct

*HRM, Water Commission Support Temporary Moratorium on New Housing Projects

*Winter Parking Ban for Urban Core To Be Implemented

*Meeting called to Update Residents on Grain Elevator Operations

*Bennery Lake Watershed

*Winter Overnight Parking Ban(s)

*Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency Service Urges Resdients NOT to use Open Flames to Thaw Water Lines

*Fire Service Celebrates Its 250th Anniversary

*HRM Recognizes Crosby and Dixon's Achievements at World Junior Hockey Championships

*HRM's Bond Rating Remains Solid

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.